Chilliwack Preschool for Ages 30 Months to 5 Years
The Briar Patch Child Care Centre’s 3-5 program has the capacity to care for 20 children ages 30 months to approximately 5 years (the beginning of kindergarten).
Weekly Themes & Special Programs
This program incorporates weekly themes with circle times and craft projects related to these themes. As well as the weekly themes, the centre has a Safe Spaces program to teach the children about appropriate peer interactions and how they can deal with situations where they, or their friends, are being bullied. This special program is balanced with the CALM program which discusses feelings, emotions, and how to handle them.
2 Groups for Circle Time
Circle time is done in 2 groups, one for 3-year-olds and a separate, more involved one for the 4-year-olds. Staff help our 3-year-olds continue to build on their self-help skills and peer interactions. The 4-year-olds continue to work on their social skills and other more specific skills necessary for success in kindergarten. There is also a library program in conjunction with Sardis Elementary School where our 4-year-olds attend every Thursday morning to take part in a reading program.
A general schedule for this program is as follows:
- 6:00-9:00 - Centre opens, free play upon arrival
- 9:00 - Art/Craft project offered upon arrival of 3rd staff member
- 9:40 - Clean-up
- 9:50-10:10 - Circle time: songs, stories, weather, calendar, etc.
- 10:10 - Wash-up
- 10:15 - Snack time
- 10:30-11:50 - Outside play
- 11:50-12:50 - Wash-up, lunch time, tooth-brushing, toileting
- 12:50-2:30 - Nap or quiet time
- 2:30-2:45 - Wake-up, toileting
- 2:45-3:00 - Circle time
- 3:00-3:15 - Wash-up, snack time
- 3:15-5:00 - Outside play
- 5:00-6:00 - Indoor free play
Once your child graduates from our preschool program, we are pleased to offer after-school care in our Explorers and Leaders programs.